
As a family child care educator and provider, our goal is to provide a safe and happy place for children; where they can learn and grow physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially, at their own pace.

We believe children learn through play and benefit from a structured yet flexible schedule. We seek to provide an educational foundation that encourages our students to develop to their maximum potential.

Wiggles & Giggles staff strive to provide the highest quality childcare and educational service that promotes and enhances each child’s development; while assuring our parent’s peace of mind in the care and service we render.

A learning environment is not necessarily the ABC’s and 123’s, but is also the learning of values; the learning of honesty, respect, self-reliance, potential, self-discipline, and moderation; the values of being dependable and sensitive to others; the values of giving, kindness, friendliness, fairness, and love.

Our program is built around the concept that children are born ready to learn. As caregivers, we strive to create a learning environment that is safe, stimulating and encouraging. The following principles are excerpted from the Michigan Early Childhood Standards of Quality (2013) and serve as a piece of the foundation for our curriculum.

  • Young children’s development and learning are highly dependent upon their relationships and environments.
  • Young children learn at different rates in the various domains of their development and not all children master skills and content within a domain in the same order, although there are patterns to their development.
  • Learning and development in the early years is characterized by variability, dependent on experience, and connected across domains.
  • All domains of child development are important to the success of early learners; the domains and learning and development within them are interrelated.
  • Learning is social. Habits of mind and social dispositions are formed by interactions with others – teachers, families and peers.
  • Learning is facilitated by the intentional arrangement of the environment, throughout the daily routine, during large and small group times, intentional instruction, active child participation, and peer interactions.
  • All children have the potential to achieve the Michigan Learning Standards with appropriate supports and instruction.